Chinese Gender Predictor

Curious about your baby’s gender? Use the Chinese Gender Predictor for a fun and ancient method to guess! Try it now and see if it’s a boy or girl!

Chinese Gender Predictor is the ancient way to predict the gender of an unborn baby. It is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which considers a woman’s age and the lunar month in which the conception occurred. So, in a nutshell, here is a step-by-step explanation of how it works, its history, and whether it works:

Chinese Gender Predictor Guide

Introduction to Chinese Gender Predictor

The Chinese Gender Predictor is also called the Chinese Birth Chart or the Chinese Gender Calendar, an old-style traditional tool to predict a baby’s sex. Such a concept is based on ancient Chinese culture, which is very famous nowadays among people who are curious to know about their unborn baby’s gender.

Historical Background

The history of the Chinese Gender Predictor can be dated back to the Qing Dynasty over seven hundred years ago. The so-called chart was purportedly found in a royal tomb, and since that time, it has been used as a folklore means of gender prediction. The Chinese lunar calendar is said to be the base of the chart that integrates the lunar age and the month of conception.

How the Chinese Gender Predictor Works

The Chinese Gender Predictor is based on two vital pieces of information:

  • The mother’s lunar age when conception occurred
  • The lunar month during which the conception occurred

Steps to Use the Predictor:

  1. Find Out Lunar Age: This can be different from the current Gregorian calendar age. You usually add one year to the mother’s current age. However, if the mother is born before the Chinese New Year, her lunar age might equal her Gregorian age.
  2. Lunar Month of Conception: The Chinese calendar is a lunar one and may have different months than the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, it’s essential to know precisely which month you conceived in.
  3. Chart Usage: You need to look for the mother’s lunar age juxtaposed with the lunar month at conception, and that will be the predicted gender of the baby.
  4. Using the Chinese Gender Predictor Example

Suppose a mother is 28 and the baby was conceived in the lunar month equal to April:

  • Her lunar age could be as high as 29.
  • This table shows that for a mother who is 29, if the baby was conceived in April, then the baby is predicted to be a girl.

Accuracy and Scientific Validity

The Chinese Gender Predictor is often looked at as a fun and cultural tool, not a scientifically proven method. No scientific evidence can support its accuracy, and neither should any serious decisions be based on it. Its success rate is roughly 50%, equaling random chance.

Popular Modern Use

Despite the lack of scientific backing, the Chinese Gender Predictor has continued to gain popularity. It is even considered a form of entertainment or leisure activity and becomes an integral part of baby shower preparations, for fun, or even a gender-reveal party. Because of tools available over the internet and applications that are easily downloadable, parents-to-be are now able to use them to keep up with the times.


The Chinese Gender Predictor is a bizarre mix of cultural heritage and modern curiosity. It is not that accurate, but it is genuinely historical fun for expecting parents. Complement this method with medical advice and ultrasound scans for a reliable gender prediction.